Surety bonds for a variety of license types.
Apply for the bond your business needs today.
License and permit surety bonds protect the public from suffering a loss if the licensee does not comply with the laws and regulations for their business. Below are different bond types that may be required for your licensing needs.
Pennsylvania Inspection Station
- To certify motor vehicles are maintained for safety purposes, Pennsylvania requires vehicle inspections. An official inspection station must obtain a certificate of appointment from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in order to perform inspections, which requires a $10,000 surety bond for each operating location.
Pennsylvania Issuing Agent for Temporary Motorboat Registrations
- Each motorboat registration agent must submit a minimum $2,000 surety bond for issuing temporary boat registrations to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. A surety bond must be filed for each physical location where temporary boat registrations will be issued.
- A Pennsylvania issuing agent for temporary motorboat registrations is an individual or business entity authorized by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to issue boat registrations. Temporary registrations are issued for new boats, used boats where ownership is being transferred, and boats previously registered in another state.
- The surety bond guarantees the motorboat registration issuing agent will faithfully perform their duties according to the Fish and Boat Code. The bond also guarantees the agent will pay all fees acquired during registration transactions or fees that may be due to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission as required by law.
More License and Permit Bond Applications
Please download the more license and permit bond application from our bond application page below.
If you have questions regarding the bonds shown below, or if the bond you need is not listed, please call 877-376-8676 (877-ERMUNRO) to speak with a bond team member or email us at .
*Approval of each bond may be subject to a credit review and underwriting approval. Financial statements may also be required for review.
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