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Am I Fully Covered on my Rental Car?

If my personal auto policy covers my rental car, and my credit card covers my deductible, doesn’t this mean I’m fully covered? While your personal auto policy and use of a credit card may provide sufficient rental car coverage in many situations, they frequently fall short.

Your personal auto policy and credit card will NOT cover costs and fees such as towing, loss of use (the period the rental car is out of service due to repairs), diminished value (a wrecked and repaired vehicle can be viewed as less valuable than an undamaged, factory original) and administrative fees, all of which may be tacked on by the rental car company in the event of an accident, and all of which you can be held liable for.

Remember: the renter is ALWAYS responsible for any loss or damage to a rental vehicle, regardless of who is at fault.

For more information on auto insurance, contact E. R. Munro and Company at 1-877-376-8676 or visit our Web site at