The holidays are a time for joy, laughter, and togetherness. Decorating your home is a great way to bring the spirit of the holidays to your family this season, but it can be dangerous if not done carefully. Here are some tips for enjoying decorations safely during the holiday season.
- Plan out your decorations. Avoid overloading electrical outlets by planning out your display according to available outlets and their locations. No more than three strings of lights should be plugged in at once.
- Inspect your decorations before using them. Your decorations are packed away for months and may have been damaged. Check for cracks, damaged sockets, and loose wires.
- Use fire-resistant decorations. Paper and fabric ornaments on the tree can be a fire hazard. Make sure your decorations are fire-resistant.
- Keep your tree watered. Dried-out trees can be a major fire hazard in your home. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) your tree needs to pass the shake test. The branches and trunk should be sticky when touched and when shaken, should drop few needles. Once your tree is up, be sure to water it daily.
- Do not decorate alone. Indoors or out, hanging decorations from any kind of ladder should always be a two-person job. Make sure outdoor decorations are secure from damage in windy or snowy conditions.
Call E. R. Munro & Company to make sure your home insurance protects you from unexpected fires or damages that may occur during the holidays.