To reduce your risks of insurance claims, be aware of these summertime hazards:
- BBQ grill fires – To reduce the risk of a cookout catastrophe, never place your grill near flammables and never leave it unattended. If using a charcoal grill, make sure the embers are completely extinguished before leaving it.
- Car accidents – Summertime means more time on the road in your car. To increase your safety and reduce your risk of an accident, stay on top of your car maintenance to avoid an overheated vehicle, tire blowout, or impact with another vehicle. Review your auto insurance coverage for your own security should you be involved in an auto accident.
- Swimming pool safety – If you own a pool, make sure your gates are always locked and inaccessible so neighbors and children cannot slip into your backyard and jump into your pool. Owning a pool is a huge responsibility so make sure you have adequate insurance coverage should a terrible accident occur and you are sued.
- Home burglary and break-ins – During summer months people tend to vacation more, leaving their homes unoccupied. Reduce the risk of a burglary or break-in by installing a security alarm system, motion detection lights, and have a trusted neighbor collect any mail, newspapers or packages left at your door.