With spring flowers coming into bloom, it’s time to consider updating your home and auto insurance.
Do you have the financial peace of mind provided by flood insurance? Have your purchased auto insurance from one of those “cheap” companies? Remember, with cheap insurance you get what you pay for.
At E. R. Munro and Company, we offer insurance coverage that others don’t.
Ever wonder why others advertise insurance but focus on their discounts? Don’t they have anything else to talk about? E. R. Munro offers exceptional coverage and claim service; we educate our clients about our products so you know before you suffer a loss what you will be paid.
And for the record, we provide discounts – just to stay competitive with those “other” companies.
Give us a call at 1-877-376-8676 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or visit our Web site at www.ermunro.com to learn how we can help you. There’s no obligation. Information is always free!