When picking an insurance company, the question to ask is not whether the company is worth the money. The real question is, what happens when you have a claim?
Tod Aronson, president of E.R. Munro and Company, was on his way home from work on Friday, when a deer struck his car. He was not injured, but the car needed major repairs. By the following Tuesday, Tod’s claim was processed, and payment was approved. Tod’s insurance company? Chubb.
Chubb is the largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company in the world. The company provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance, and life insurance. Chubb combines “a passion for service with deep experience and exceptional financial strength to deliver the best possible insurance solutions for individuals, families, and businesses of all sizes.” Since 1792, Chubb has helped many different companies and individuals in times of crisis.
Chubb has a convenient app available to make hassle-free claims quick and easy, any time of the day or night. Tod waited until Monday to go to the body shop of his choice and to report the claim. He had an estimate to get his car repaired, and a rental vehicle both approved in one business day.
Chubb was there for Tod Aronson, president of E.R. Munro and Company, a Chubb agent since 1885. Chubb delivers excellent service and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Check out Chubb here.